For E's last half-birthday we gave him a certificate to use for a night out with mom and a night out with dad. So, last Friday E and I seized the opportunity to attend the Adler Planetarium's Overnight. We didn't actually spend the night, yet we managed to do all the activities, fun, and even the nighttime snack. We scooted out at about 10:30pm and after I asked him a few questions on the car ride home with no response I knew my sweet little space boy had drifted off to the stars.
We had such beautiful weather, oh how I love driving into the city on a Friday night, not the traffic part, but just the energy, and it's the same drive he took with his Dad to Rush countless times so he knows it way too well. He always keeps me laughing, bad mommy moment, I commented *ahem* on a driver that was from Michigan *we do love Michigan* and he said, "Mom how come they can make cars but they can't drive them *eye roll*? I didn't really have an answer for that one except to yep watch what I say!
I took lots of pictures *surprised?* and we had a blast. In addition to featured stations on how to grow food in space and experimenting with water filtering techniques for astronauts, they made it super kid friendly, age ranges 6-10, almost all of the exhibits were open too so we were roaming the planetarium after hours and that part was very cool, very Night at the Museum Planetarium.
We each had a favorite part of the evening. Ethan's was during the night sky show in perfect 5-year-old humor the "intern" took us on a Mission to Mars and developed space madness and nearly ate the brains of the entire first row....brains...brains...brains she kept saying with her zombie walk. E was in hysterics. We still walk around saying...brains...brains...brains!!!
My favorite part was as the kids there gathered around the indoor firepit under a very cool dome for a story about the Big Dipper. In this tale there were five wolf brothers that helped form the Big Dipper, so now every time we see the Big Dipper in the night sky we'll think of them representing the five brothers Krol *awww*. Here's the Native American tale.
my little astronaut
yes that is a chimpanzee on his shirt, maybe Planet of the Apes? ;)
mom & E
filtering water and growing food
Lunar Leap
he has the moon in his hands
on a clear night you could see Saturn, on a not-so-clear night...clouds!
some wonderful memories, can't wait to take all of the boys together someday!!