
Mommy refuses to call us the t-word

So, what is that t-word?  TODDLERS!  Yikes!  I love when I buy something online and they qualify newborns as 0-24 months.  I mean, do we only get 12 months to be considered new to life?  I know my babies have so many firsts left in them, so I refuse to call them toddlers...yet.  This is my last go at it all, the babyhood, and it has gone so fast, four times as fast, so I will relish my babies for another year and then when they are 2, I will call them toddlers...maybe....

I have been behind on writing, I know it's ok, but I love writing and need to keep track for my boys, so trying to start up again.  We'll see how it goes through the Christmas Season ;)  I keep trying to go back and post, missed a first birthday post, but hey that's what January is for and why I was never good at journaling.  Summer and Fall were amazing and so full, too hard to keep up....

*an incredible 4-year-old turning the big FIVE!..and that 5-year-old learning to swim, ride a bike, complete a set of monkey bars, continue his amazing gift of learning and reading 2 grades ahead
*four babies turning the BIG ONE! pulling up, taking first steps, words, eating table food, becoming real little people...still not saying toddlers...they still sleep with their little butts in the air so that qualifies them as babies :)

I am overwhelmed with pride and love, and always amazed to be a mom of 5 boys!

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